Sunday, October 31, 2010

Space & Place

One of the most interested aspects of the reading was how place can become charged with meaning. One’s perception of a particular place can be dramatically altered by a significant event, or experience. Outlook and perspective can also significantly alter the way one interacts with space. One could look at a building, and notice the amount of hearth, or comfort he/she feels from that place. However, an architect may look at a building, break it down to its main components, thus interacting with the building in a completely different way. The objects within place or space can also dramatically change the space, and vice versa. If one looks at a piece of art in a gallery, he/she is more likely to take that piece of art seriously because of the connotation, and function of that particular space. Another aspect that I found interesting was the way one can physically interact with space. Muted senses, such as blurry vision can drastically alter our perception, and therefore, how we feel in/about a particular space. The negative and positive spaces of a space were also very interesting. While people seem to prefer places where there is enough room to move freely, if a room becomes to free it can be perceived as stark, and cold.

1 comment:

  1. "If one looks at a piece of art in a gallery, he/she is more likely to take that piece of art seriously because of the connotation, and function of that particular space." I really like this section, especially as the meaning of space and place relates to art.
