Thursday, September 16, 2010


Without a doubt the segment of the film that I found very interesting was the section that was comparing humans crowded in subway stations to young baby chickens on conveyer belts. While at first I thought the inclusion of the chicks was somewhat comical I slowly began to feel differently, especially when the camera showed the chicks falling through the air, from one conveyer belt to another. I thought the film cut between the scenes of the crowded chickens to scenes of humans in the exact same scenario in a way that highlighted how we put ourselves in the exact same situations as animals without even realizing it. This scene made me think of times in which I have felt more like an animal on a conveyer belt instead of a human with choices to make, I thought this was a somewhat prevalent theme throughout the film.

On a slightly different note, I thought the most frightening and unsettling scene in the film was the scene of the three Asian women performing some kind of dance. I think their appearance was more ghost then human, and the way they moved together was also pretty unnerving. Another reason why I may have found this scene so disturbing was probably because (if I am remembering correctly) it seemed to come out of nowhere, and it was so vivid that I could not look away, it had me, which just added more to the films awesomeness.

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